Real Talk

At the SOS conference we’re gathering our friends, leaders in this industry to discuss the topics and issues often unsaid. Let’s get to the heart of issues. Let’s hear other voices. Let’s cut the bullshit.

More importantly, let’s take action.

SOS Panel Moderators and Emcees

Select any of the moderators below to learn more about them.

SOS Panels

Select on any of our panelists’ images to learn more about them.


How do we negotiate site budgets for successful and responsible clinical trial performance?

moderated by Chris Sauber and Dr. Daniel Fox

Detailed justification requirements, invoiceable items, exploratory endpoints, broken communication, and rushing timelines are only a few of the challenges we face as site administrators during a trial negotiation.

Learn from experienced site, CRO, and sponsor administrators'' best practices that have demonstrated realistic and solid budgeting for appropriate clinical trial resourcing.

Patient Recruitment

What can sites do to promote diverse and positive patient experiences for optimal clinical trial recruitment?

moderated by Monica Cuitiva and Judy Galindo

Community sites engage daily with the most important stakeholder in research: Our clinical trial participants. From start to finish, sites must engage with diverse and qualified patient populations, work with them throughout what could be challenging personal health journeys, and champion their trial participation with every industry stakeholder.

Discuss trial participant advocacy with some of the industry's best community advocates and explore the tools our sites have to identify patients, recruit them, and conserve participant interests.


Why are we experiencing staffing challenges at sites and how do we manage staff turnover and succession?

moderated by Dan Sfera and Judy Galindo

Clinical research sites are the proving grounds for an entire industry. Sites may not have the resources to compete with the industry's career paths, however they can create methods to manage staffing challenges, plan for succession, and maintain high site morale to enhance a CRC's professional experiences at the site level.

Join a new CRC, experienced site administrators, and industry-level representatives to explore how sites can successfully manage their staff now and for years to come.

Paper vs. Electronic

Will the industry embrace the power of the paperless? Why do we embrace our binders?

moderated by Brad Hightower and Chris Sauber

The burning question of the conference: The FDA has published electronic record guidance for over 20 years. Nearly half of our clinical research sites, however, continue to hold onto paper source an industry standard.

Why hasn't, an industry dedicated to innovative interventional healthcare technology, adopting electronic systems for fast and efficient information exchange between its stakeholders?

Explore paper vs. electronic with sites, sponsors, compliance, and solution provider perspectives and make the conclusions for yourself.

Industry Relationships

Where have all the sponsors gone? How to develop successful trial opportunities and healthy business relationships.

moderated by Dr. Daniel Fox and Dan Sfera

Many of the sites in our industry are starving for clinical trial opportunities. Of those who are awarded trials, the majority of them harbor business relationships that set our trials up for failure.

Join some of the industry's most positive and charming professionals to discuss why sites are experiencing relationship challenges and how we may enhance our opportunities to promote positive relationships and, as a result, successful business development for our clinical research sites.

Clinical Operations

Who actually has oversight for a trial's performance? Who is supposed to have oversight?

moderated by Brad Hightower

Research 101 tells us the PI, of course, is the sole professional responsible to provide oversight over a trial. Does this actually happen? As THE number one citing for sites, PI oversight is a significant risk to our frontlines.

Discuss actual vs. observed PI oversite with an ex-FDA representative and discuss with PIs and administrators how we as sites can ensure and document fully-compliant PI oversight with every clinical trial performed.